Social protection is key to tackle Asia-Pacific’s inequality trap

Rising inequality threatens to derail, from the start, successful implementation of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific region. Stronger, more equitable social protection will be critical in overcoming these challenges. New research by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) indicates that inequality, related to…

Scholarship saga

Dear Editor – I write to contribute my analysis on the response the Hon MP for West Makira constituency Derick Manu’ari clarification attempt to Mr. Charlie Kieu’s article in this paper issue. No 1122. First I appreciate Hon. Manu’ari’s attempt to make clarification because he is the center of the mess so to speak. Reading…

Statement from Opposition

Dear Editor – I must give credit to the Parliamentary Opposition Group for their statement on the current scholarship scheme as reported in your paper on 12 March 2016.  It was a rational statement on a difficult and sensitive subject which I thought they handled well. My understanding of their statement is that while the…

Survey by NPF, UNDP

Dear Editor – The SIBC news of 15/3/2016 on a joint survey by NPF & UNDP to include farmers, fishermen & agriculture laborers in the superannuation scheme (NPF) is a good idea for ordinary Solomon Islanders in rural areas. However, if the survey is positive I would like to suggest that the National Government to…

Call for change in Isabel

Dear Editor – I would be very glad if you could publish this article in your paper with regards to the above topic; The recent announcement by Premier Habu appeared in the island Sun Issue No 2234, is immature, too early and unreal. Furthermore it has raised a question of why he continues to delay…