Change on the horizon

In the former but recent days when our country went through the height of the recent ethic crisis, our treasury was placed and plunged under a great and strenuous demand and notice by the barrel of the guns and war lords, but today it is even severe, the dynamics is vested in and with the…

Where is Lilo?

Dear Editor – I wish to add on a James Kaeso’s letter to the editor in which he posed the question ‘where is Lilo?’ Thanks Kaeso for raising a very valid point regarding the amount of serious allegations against the former PM whom at the end of the day is not found wanting in the…

Stop robbing our country!

IT is only a matter of months after the Bank South Pacific branch in Auki, Malaita was robbed by armed men, and robbers on Monday strike again. This time, in the heart of Honiara once more and interestingly, at the same spot where a grimly robbery incident occurred just last year – in front of…

It’s all in how we see God

Welcome to our discussion on this statement ‘Until we know God as he is, we’ll never become all that he created us to be.’ It is very important that from time to time we need to have our spiritual eyes examined so that they can refocus and gain a wider, clearer perspective on God as…

The downside of SIPA’s reform

As the result of recent very high tariff introduce by SIPA, our country may be plunged into economic chaos.  After some dwell time the ripple effects of ports charges together with the inevitable snowballing of costs upon goods will arrive at the trade store.  The shopper’s money will afford less and less and his/her standard…