Democracy, SOE and oligarchy

In Search of Responsive, Responsible, Transparent and Accountable Leadership – COVID 19 Misuse and Abuse of Entrusted Power under SOE SINCE 2014 Transparency Solomon Islands has been campaigning as others have done for leaders that will say no to corruption, be transparent and accountable for the powers [entrusted power] vested upon them by the people…

How Strong Democratic Values Help Defeat a Pandemic   

If ever the world needed a reminder of the critical importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is it.  The coronavirus knows nothing of national boundaries, race, religion, nationality, or politics.  We are at risk simply because we are human. But we can – and we will – defeat this virus using the strengths that respect for human…

Ships operators and captain

DEAR EDITOR – As a student and a concerned citizen of Solomon Islands, I urge that all shipping operators must comply with the Maritime safety laws of the country. Ships that travel in bad weather without complying with maritime safety law are a threat to human lives.   Some of our ship operators and captains knew…

Power of resurrection

DEAR EDITOR – Grateful if a revelation after the Easter Celebration is put on your column. Lest one forget, there is hope amidst fear of coronavirus. This is it. It’s the power of the resurrection.  As Mary Magdalene and Jesus’ disciples found that the tomb was empty, they believed that the Romans soldiers removed Jesus’…

Ecosystem & human health

DEAR EDITOR – Last week I wrote briefly telling the story of the Barana Nature and Heritage Park which had been established with support from the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) through its Pacific Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change (PEBACC) project. I should have mentioned the Wagina community project which had also…