Shortage of Lawyers

Dear Editor – The recent news revealing that government experience shortage of lawyers is a mistake from those who do planning and scholarship awards to students attending universities under Solomon Islands government (SIG) sponsorship. I have to raise this because this problem as revealed from the office of the DPP shows that there is lack of…

BSP ATM services

Dear Editor – Can the management of Bank South Pacific (BSP) do something to improve its services. Monday was very frustrating for many customers who want to access the ATM services especially those in East Honiara. Since the morning most of the ATMs located at Kukum area and Panatina Plaza expressed their apology because they…

Betel nut stain decoration

Dear Editor – With much respect for this country’s fine cultural tradition of decorating public spaces by spitting red coloured betel nut stain all over them, I would like take this opportunity to kindly request that people refrain from decorating my car in this fashion. Others may not mind, but to put it gently, I…

$3M unpaid bills

Dear Editor – Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID) wish to clarify issues raised on the front page of the Sunday Star dated 10th June 2018 that carried the $3M unpaid bills claims. Before APID dwells further into the issue, we wish to strongly register our disappointment over Solomon Star for not having the courtesy to…

Same Sex Marriage

Dear Editor – It is coming, watch out, like a tsunami wave, or a devastating cyclone, or a deadly killer shark, like a roaring lion, (though not the devil himself). But it is approaching and coming very swiftly. Not many years ago I’ve never heard of it, though it was not absent in the world.…

Replacing aid with trade

Dear Editor – When addressing the New Zealand Pacific Council in Auckland recently, Prime Minister Rick Hou spoke about the need for the Solomon Islands to gradually curtail aid and to replace it with trade. The PM said, “It is politically and economically prudent that Solomon Islands gradually replace aid with trade, which will in…

Phone 20031

Dear Editor – Solomon Airlines is becoming a hopeless national carrier and service provider. You would be lucky to get hold of them if you call their so-called telephone number 20031. The thing is they simply don’t pick up that phone no matter how many times you try. Come on Mr CEO, what the hell…

Teacher absenteeism

Dear Editor – A week ago the students of Bokonavera community high school have raised a complaint in the public media about the issue of poor and non-attendance of teachers in the classroom learning periods that contributed poorly towards the students’ academic preparation for the coming national form 3 & 5 exams for this year…

Sleep walking

Dear Editor – Andrew D Muaki’s first article in his Friday’s weekly viewpoint column ‘Voice from the side’ (Solomon Star), he raised illustratively the topic ‘Sleep Walking’ and correlated well to the current National Government’s actions on West Papua. In the domestic scene, I would go further and apply the ‘ sleep walking’  approach by…