Assessment before planning

DEAR EDITOR – Spare me few lines to share my humble view on the OBE issue. Learning is a mutual process. Both teachers and students should be able to understand and learn from each other. Students should not alone listen and conscripted to follow instructions, but be able to share their views and opinion freely.…

The art of living: Respect

DEAR EDITOR – There are a lot of spiritual speakers and self-help experts as we know now. I am not trying to be one, but I feel relieved in sharing the little inspirations which springs within me. As long as it touches one heart and triggers another one’s thinking will give me the satisfaction of…

Thanks to the Kiwis

LET’S thank the New Zealand Government and its people. The bailey bridge they’ve funded had been completed yesterday after a few weeks putting it together.It will open for use today. The completion of this temporary bridge is a huge boost to the flood recovery stage after the old bridge was destroyed in the April 3…

A scandal that must end

Solomon Islanders have every right to demand the removal of constituency development funds from their Members of Parliament. It’s becoming clear as day that the millions of dollars channeled through the MPs each year have not be used for their intended purpose. The result is the lack of development in the rural areas. Central Bank…

Fear of kina appreciation

LAST week, we discussed about fear of devaluation of Fiji dollar. This week our focus is on the fear of appreciation of Papua New Guinea (PNG)’s currency, the kina. Under a fixed exchange rate regime, the Fiji dollar can be up-valued or devalued only by central bank.  PNG has a floating exchange rate regime under…

The art of living – sharing

DEAR EDITOR – Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wonder if happiness too is in the heart of its beholder.  If a person is asked to define happiness probably the best he could say or do is find a synonym of this particular word. Happiness is not a verb to be defined;…

Culture of Silence

DEAR EDITOR – “Silence is golden” so the saying goes. How true that is, is farfetched to prove. But this is a good virtue to embrace. Unfortunately it will be naive to ascribe to such a virtue if you are a leader of some sort in the society or community in which you live or…

Malaita Star Magazine to be launched in Auki next week

MALAITA will be the first province in the country to have its very own magazine when it is officially launched next week. The Malaita Star magazine, a product of leading newspaper company the Solomon Star will on the 19th of this month launch this product which features news, features articles and business advertisements from the…

“Let’s join the war against corruption”

Corruption can be eradicated and reduced in the country if all citizens seriously take up the responsibility to phase it out. Corruption is like a viral disease in reality and people just cannot accept that it exist, a challenging notion to fight. Inclusive responsibility is pertinent to fight against issues from the public sector to…

Vote wisely this time

DEAR EDITOR – I would like to register here a few comments to all voters for the upcoming National General Election. These are not mere comments but are educational comments that need to be seriously considered. We have heard a lot of “Vote Wisely”. What does that really mean? It simply means, making a good…