SOLOMON ISLANDS ranked 44 out of 180 countries in the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) survey announced last week. CPI uses a scale of 0 to 100 to rank nations, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean. Last week, the wise men and women of Solomon Islands congregated to discuss a solution. The…

Fataleka Housing Scheme 

Dear Editor – It was reported that the Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani has thanked the Fataleka Housing Scheme for responding positively to a request for a clinic staff house in Ward 5 in West Fataleka, Malaita Province.  It was reported that Member of Parliament (MP) for Fataleka Rex Ramofafia has donated building materials, which…

Amazing Lilo

Dear Editor – Grateful if space is allowed to convey the above-said matter to “Amazing Lilo” (Former Hon. GD Lilo). You are a newcomer to the constituency of Central Honiara. Yet in most or every ward in Central Honiara, you have a number. Being new and have that number is amazing. It shows you have…

The people have spoken 

Dear Editor– Saturday 21st marked the end of 2020 by-election for Central Honiara and North East Guadalcanal. It marked the end of a period that culminated in two months of intense campaigning. In the heated battles, parties clung to strategies they calculated would woo the important component in the election process — the voters. However,…

Banning Facebook

Dear Editor – The Government’s determination to ban Facebook in the Solomon Islands is rather bemusing. On the one hand, it is true that a ban will not curb our people’s fundamental freedom of expression as provided for in our Constitution. But on the other hand a ban may unnecessarily cause hardship to many of…

Truthful reporting on SI

Dear Editor – The decision by Solomon Islands’ Cabinet to ban Facebook is said to be legally wrong and I expect the decision to be challenged. The argument made by the prime minister and his communications minister is that it has been a platform for people to ‘abuse political leaders.’ I have some sympathy for…