Popular Science of Hypertension

Happy New Year, my dear readers! At the very beginning of a new year, what is your New Year resolution? I hope it is a better health condition! Last time we covered life style intervention on prevention and treatment of hypertension (limit alcohol consumption and increase work-out). This time, we would go through some mild…

A New Year

Dear Editor, Sunday 1st January 2023 is a new beginning for many people. It’s a special day for many reasons. In fact, different people will see different reasons to celebrate this day. A couple of things will be the same though. The sun will rise this morning in most places and later set this evening.…


Solomon Islands has been a member of the United Nations since its independence. The United Nations designated 9th December as the International Anti-Corruption Day after the passage of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption on October 31st, 2003. This Convention entered into force in…


There seem to be no sense of direction in the government of Western Province since the dissolution of the provincial assembly in June 2022. This is because for over 5 months there has been no care-taker government in the Province until after the provincial elections of 14th December 2022. Only the Deputy Provincial Secretary has…