International forest day celebration

Statement By Dr VAENO VIGULU PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF FORESTRY AND RESEARCH Today, marks one of those very important days when the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed in 2012, that on every 21st March the International Day of Forests (IDF) shall be commemorated around the world annually. This is in recognition of forest’s pivotal role…


You came and let us bury our loved ones You were never welcomed you forced your way in You gone with the rest of them underground You made the globe realized that not only war Not only the nuclear arms that does the global murder A tiny minute non-living matter destroyed humanity We thought we…

Extending parliament

DEAR EDITOR – Looks like we are wasting our time to complain, it looks like the government looks will extend the life of parliament. This is the same government that turned all the stones and make decisions, so what do we expect? So when election comes, enough of accepting bribes, because these are the people…

Congratulations newly, and re- appointed PPCs

DEAR EDITOR – Transparency Solomon Islands congratulates the newly appointed Chairman of the Political Parties Commission Mr. Francis Billy Hilly, newly appointed Commissioner Lady Joy Kere and continuing Commissioners Mrs. Taeasi Sanga and Dr. Jack Maebuta. It is encouraging to see this Commission continuing to be gender-balance.  Transparency Solomon Islands urges the Executive Government to…