Moses Garu, Peter Toli lies

Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing me space in your paper to respond to an article published on Tuesday 6th June 2017 issue no: 6612 titled ‘Garu tours constituency.’ It is interesting to see the project officer for West Guadalcanal Constituency Mr. Peter Toli trying to update the tour made by the Member of…

Setting your Priorities in life

This week, I will commence with a series of studies on the “Essentials of life in an Aimless World.” A firm grip is crucial, whether scaling a mountain or climbing the rugged cliffs of the spiritual life. Our survival depends on how well we hang on and what we hang on to. There are some…

Seafarers annual Sea Sunday Service

SPEECH FROM THE OPPOSITION LEADER HONORABLE JEREMIAH MANELE, ON THE OCCASION OF THE SEAFARERS ANNUAL SEA SUNDAY  CELEBRATIONS AND SERVICE The President of the Mission to Seafarers, The Most Rt. Reverend Arch Bishop George Takeli, and Madam Takeli, The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Maelanga, Senior Government Officials, Chaplain of the Seafarer’s mission Fr Hillary…

I must say

Dear Editor – Talk of low cash flow in the private sector will always bring out tighter controls on spending chasing up out standing accounts improving image to improve income. This does not appear to be the case in some sectors. Overseas trips seem to be the way? Solomon Star cartoons [medals and school fees]…

DCCG leadership

Dear Editor – Having read all that concerns the current DCCG, I also wish to make a contribution targeting the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for their poor performance in managing the affairs and finances of this nation to an extreme which led to this nation running low in cash flow. This nation…


Dear Editor –  Following through the issue of the Hon. Premier Collin and his former ministers who vacated office, it’s very interesting, however its very shameful despite it’s a political thing. People may say it’s politics but to me personally, I have reasons to say it’s a very shameful thing and it’s more than politics.…