SSEC awake!

Dear Editor – Please grant me a space of your esteem column to voice out my concern due to this question “what SSEC can do about it in regards to Kemuel Kalani statement earlier, ‘I’m just a SSEC pastor, not a king or prophet’” and his group still part of the South Sea Evangelical Church…

National Children’s Fund

Dear Editor – Let me put forward this proposal for all to see. A National Children’s Fund must be established through an Act of Parliament, hence responsible Ministries such as the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children and the Ministry of Health and Medical Services should setup a Working Advisory Group to think, plan &…


Dear Editor – Please publish the following: Elementally carbon and nitrogen Covalently bonded together dangerously On their own backbone of life and living Twisted by the developmental mafia To benefit themselves and their 33′ masters   The middle men eating up the natives Just like these buses eating us up… Turning whenever wherever to fill…

Election projects

Dear Editor – My recent holiday at Manawai,East Are’are taught me at lot of interesting things. The festive season itself brought together many people with different ideas on how they would like to see development in the rural areas. Last Christmas was unique in the sense that Manawai itself, there were talks of three major…

Attracting more overseas visitors

Dear Editor – The bid to increase the number of overseas visitors implies extra budgetary support and better Infrastructure, including regular repairs to provincial airstrips. The Solomon Islands Government is pushing to attract more overseas visitors this year according to a recent article in the Solomon Star newspaper from which I quote a few paragraphs.…