Motion of no confidence

Dear Editor – Please publish the following: In the hapi isles, this is the prime Development throughout the ages Let them ask themselves Is it legal to destroy the forward motion? Of the DCCG whose plans Are yet to be reality on the ground   This nation tired of the megalomaniacs Who covered themselves in…

All roads end somewhere

But not necessarily where you want to go IN my last official meeting in July, I made it clear that the hire and fire of political appointees is the prerogative of the government of the day. “As such, I am prepared to exit as I am not above the government. But I also raised the…

Be calm, it’s business as usual

THE FATE of a no-confidence motion tabled against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare lies with a High Court ruling expected this morning. The motion, to be moved by Opposition leader Jeremiah Manele, is scheduled for today’s parliament sitting. But the Government, through its political party membership, is challenging in court the Speaker of Parliament’s decision to…

Bodo & Ete

Dear Editor – Allow me space in your paper to pen down my point of view of the political crisis, with last week’s mass resignation of government ministers. Bodo Dettke and Douglas Ete after convincing the other ministers to resign from the government thought that they would overthrow the Sogavare led government and form a…

Renbel petition

Dear Editor – Thank you for space provided for me to share to help our Rennell Bellona provincial assembly members to work together in planning and implementing policy for good of the people of the province. Reading the above headline Saturday 17.10.15 no. 6003 is another political game to out the current premier from the…

Blame it on NACRA

Dear Editor – Please spare me space in your column to contribute to the debate on the current political saga created by ‘grasshoppers’, to use the term your papers have been branding our disgruntled members of parliament. First, I do not take comfort in blaming the Political Parties Integrity Act 2014 for its shortfalls in preventing…

Renbel assembly meeting

Dear Editor – First let me make this clarification. No one in West Rennell is known by the name Jackson T tuhenua therefore he is either a foreigner hiding behind a pen name or a ghost. For his information, the intended meeting was not my doing rather, such meeting is in compliance with the standing…

Poor strategy

Dear Editor – The former government ministers and backbenchers failed miserably to design a strategy to oust the current prime minister. It was poorly engineered as such MPs involved are now regretting their actions. It is sad that our academic MPs were draped. Remember your actions are what you are. The independent group must be…

Political crisis stable

Dear Editor – If the numbers joining the government is increasing, it could mean that the MPs behind the Mbike Island Resort incident when the current DCC government was formed after the last general elections, must be intending to join the government in order to make further investigations into the case difficult. The country must…