Recording the truth

Dear Editor – The Honourable Prime Minister, Manasseh Sogavare, spoke last week at a high-level symposium on the legacy of RAMSI. The PM said it was important that future generations are fed the right information about what actually happened during the period of the countries ethnic tensions, because as he said, “This is going to…

April Valley

Dear Editor – Amidst the local celebrations marking the work of RAMSI, three years on from the terrible floods in Honiara in April 2014 when 21 people from the Kao Valley community died as the Mataniko River burst its banks, the hundreds of people that were relocated to the eastern foothills of Honiara are still…

RAMSI ends: what’s next for SI?

The Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) officially comes to a completion on Friday, June 30. For the past 14 years the Australian-led mission has been assisting the Pacific Island country to reestablish stability and functionality after a period of ethnic violence from 1998 to 2003. During this period hundreds of people were killed,…

RAMSI farewell: Blong samfala nomoa

Dear Editor – There is no doubt that RAMSI has helped our country turn and return from the edge of the abyss of long term destruction and despair.  It was rather unfortunate that most of the “farewelling” occurred only in one place. All the parties, cocktails, toasts, speeches, ceremonies and fireworks were done in hotels…


Dear Editor – Despite controversies surrounding specific mining projects throughout the country – Gold Ridge, Renell and Bellona, Temotu, and Isabel to name a few, the DCC appears to be doing something to improve how things are done in this industry with the recent launch of the National Minerals Policy. I assume that, the document…


Dear Editor – Solomon Islands is on the brink of bankruptcy. This is a fact – a very hard fact. The government must take immediate and decisive steps to prevent the country from sliding further into the abyss, which might take many more years to recover. First, stop all tax payer funded overseas trips, fire…

Threat from logging

Dear Editor – I would like to contribute to the above titled letter to the editor appearing on issue of Thursday 28th June 2017 by Judith Siota. Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the concern raised by Judith which was indeed an ongoing concern for the Isabel Public and very relevant to current times, and…

Thanks RAMSI

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