Bauxite in Nende

Dear Editor – The acclamation about the discovery of minerals at Nende, Santa Cruz, is a child play, cynical, holds no water and utterly rubbish. Minerals can be found anywhere in the world and for somebody to say to you mineral is in your land and you started towing and pounding here and there is…

Sasako termination

Dear Editor – During the beginning of the year when the former PS of Mines and Energy was axed for defending his ministry amidst the controversial Bintang mining issue; Sasako as the media consultant arrogantly came out in the media and defended the DCC government decision; telling the country that the government had the power…

Magistrates up against each other

Dear Editor – I read your front page story in Friday’s paper with considerable interest. The story was about magistrate Esther Lelapitu defending her decision to sign and issue the No Appeal Certificate to Asia Pacific Investment Development (APID). She was defending her action and reputation after her fellow magistrate Jim Seuika wrote to the…

$2,000 bribe exposed

Dear Editor – I wish to applaud Jimmy Hanahunu for his courageous exposure of bribery and stand against such malpractices. I do not believe that it is the work of Jefter, but someone or organisation behind him. I say this because I have experienced such an experience where the law was being manipulated divert the…

Where’s our water tank?

Dear Editor – Would you please allow space in your paper to voice my complaints on the above issue? Dear chairman, we are counting down the 47 days release of the Gold Ridge tailing dam and still some villages are omitted or without water tank. My village is just a few kilometers from the tailing…

Help for the Solomons

Dear Editor – In a recent letter to the Private Views column of your newspaper I read an article which, although overall was political in nature, it did mention the current plight of the National Referral Hospital when it said (quote) “see the current state of our National Referral Hospital where patients are without beds.…

Growing public distrust of gov’t

PUBLIC dissatisfaction with certain decisions of the Sogavare government is growing by the day. This is despite the huge public support it garnered during its early days. Today, the government appeared to have lost that support and trust. All because of the numerous controversial decisions it made since coming into power. Initially, the nation expects…

Why short bus routes?

Dear Editor – The problem of short bus routes has been around for a while now and it has been a ‘Thorn in the Flesh’, a ‘Pain in the Neck’ and a ‘Kick in the Guts’ to all of us; while those causing it are enjoying seeing the public suffer. It has affected our economy,…