Do something better this year!

New Years are often good times for making changes for a better individually, as a family, province and nation. Solomon Islanders need to take this seriously and start seeing New Year’s as a time to move even higher and excel. For far too long, we remain where we are and underestimate our capabilities and do…

Land dispute problem

Dear Editor – So much has been spoken about in the media by our MPs who mandated the political leadership in our nation on the issue of land dispute that occur within the 90 % of customary owned land tenure system that disturb the economic development in the country. This becomes the major factor that…

Temotu premier

Dear Editor –  It is sad to note the Premier of Temotu has tarnished our reputations in the media for no good reasons at all. We have no personal interest vested in this logging company. Our roles are clear in explaining the legal directives from the Ministry of Forest and the Ministry of Lands on…

Stolen purse

Dear Editor  – A very generous American educator who has been enormously caring and giving, over the past 22 years to Solomon Islanders, of her time and financial resources to youth, students, fathers and mothers, had her purse stolen on 14/01/16 at the Central Market car park. Inside the purse were the normal goodies such…

Militant police officers

Dear Editor – In July 2003, the national parliament passed the Facilitation of International Act 2003. Following that, the Governor General requested international aid to assist in restoring peace in Solomon Islands after the chaos of the ethnic tension.In 2003 the so called RAMSI was formed which comprised of six island state in the Pacific…

A futsal stadium is a must

OUR young futsal stars have made us proud again. The U12 side won the Australian Futsal Championship last week, while the U14 settled for third position in their category. They arrived back in Honiara on Tuesday to a hero’s welcome at Henderson Airport and later had the privileged of having an audience with Prime Minister…

School results

Dear Editor – Many of us who waited for hours yesterday to get the form 1 results on the Island Sun newspaper were left high and dry. This is because the paper ran out quickly. I don’t know how many copies of the newspaper were printed, but my guess is it probably less than 2,000,…

Militant police officers

Dear Editor – In July 2003, the national parliament passed the Facilitation of International Act 2003. Following that, the Governor General requested international aid to assist in restoring peace in Solomon Islands after the chaos of the ethnic tension. In 2003 the so called RAMSI was formed which comprised of six island state in the…

PM rewards players

Dear Editor – The following observation is made in respect to the above as per Star Issue No 6076, dated 12/01/16. Whilst these gestures are much appreciated, it should be free from politicization. The way to do it is to have a permanent structure and process for awarding such rewards. This gives the sense that…

Thank you unsung heroes

Dear Editor – Monday evening, I went to our national domestic port to wait for my wantoks. While waiting I noticed a vehicle driving recklessly through the not so crowded domestic port road, thank heavens not a lot of people were there. The reckless driver almost hit a car, screeched to a halt and then…