Union call

Dear Editor – Interesting to note the call from the WUSI General Secretary on the government to deport SIPA’s CEO, Mr Yow. It seems to me that Mr Kagovai is good at tearing down rather than building up. His now defunct SINUW has closed down RIPEL and now he is on a mission to do…

I have a dream

Dear Editor – Please publish the following: I have a dreamOne dayThe colors of the natureappear as they areStainless, shinning towards futureAffect imperceptibly –the human soul quieter and purer I have a dreamSomedayThe inner beauty of the human beinglaunches out…Like a powerful seedlingsprouts a new budFair and foul, tryingto grow upwards vigorously, proudly I have…

Bee keeping is no magic

LIKE anything else in life, success more often than not follows hard work, commitment and persistence. Bee keeping is no magic for spinning money as some were led to believe. It certainly involves hard work, some level of basic understanding of bees and common sense to effectively manage it. Some practical training involving handling of…

In good or bad times

A more practicable application of the wedding vow THE crowd waiting for the Naha-Kola route became agitated on Monday when bus operators decided to take the much shorter route of HTC- Talise or HTC-SDA route. I checked the pocket in my pants and found a single $50 note. As a matter of protest against these…

Business opportunities and locals

Dear Editor – Your front page of Issue No.5935 on Tuesday 4th August, headlined “Drivers Stage Protest”, is the tip of a bigger iceberg which, if not addressed immediately, could make Solomon Islands the Uganda of the Pacific region at some future date. This was where locals who had been deprived of economic opportunities in…

Mass student termination

Dear Editor – I was asked by some members of students to comment on the alleged mass suspension of Solomon Islands students at the University of the South Pacific’s Laucala Campus and some from Emalus Campus. This was carried on the front page of the Solomon Star on Friday, 31 July 2015. I will leave…

Development in Isabel

Dear Editor – The recent visit paid by the Minister of Provincial Government to the people of Isabel has been well received by the locals and the Provincial Government. In his keynote address to mark the Province’s 31st Second Appointed Day in Buala, the minister emphasized on socio-economic development that can be successfully attained if…

Red hot

Dear Editor – Allow me to say something I noticed in the “Red Hot” Telekom top up. I remembered our Telekom said in one of the Star issues and I quote “…..Red hot is here to stay….” end of quote. On Saturday after I topped up with $8 hoping to receive the text reply of…