Lets support our sea-port upgrading

Last week a milestone event was sealed with the signing of a deal to improve Honiara International sea-port. Its one of the long outstanding projects which the country had long been waiting for. Late last year the project was close to being called off following internal issues between the minister of infrastructure development Seth Gukuna…

Let’s support our sea-port upgrading

Last week a milestone event was sealed with the signing of a deal to improve Honiara International sea-port. Its one of the long outstanding projects which the country had long been waiting for. Late last year the project was close to being called off following internal issues between the minister of infrastructure development Seth Gukuna…

On a whirl west trip

IMAGINE an invitation being extended to you to travel and spend your Christmas and New Year period out in the provinces with all traveling costs being paid for. That’s an opportunity one could not resist because it offers you a wonderful chance to see somewhere different from your usual place of stay. That’s exactly what…

Thank you readers, parents

WE thank our readers and the Honiara public for your patience yesterday. We know you all have been waiting anxiously for the school results of our children, the first of which was published yesterday. We’ve put everything in place ahead of yesterday’s print to ensure the paper gets out as early as possible for the…

Positively impacting community

Hopefully, part of your agreement with life involves improving parts of your community that need help. One of the best ways to positively impact your community is by showing people (of all ages) how to get involved in it. By helping them understand how a particular community works, who the key players are, and what…

Split of the civil society groups

A SPLIT between two of the nation’s outspoken civil societies has widen. Differences between the popular Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) and the emerging Joint Civil Society Group and Concerned Citizens (JCSG & CC) started to show some three weeks ago. This was after FSII publicly declared it has withdrawn its collaboration with the joint…