Critical drug shortage

Dear Editor – I fear the fate of the lack of critical medicines available on the shelves in our public health facilities.  I was so proud of the essential social service for health and general wellbeing of our nation.  But not bear myself the fact that this critical medicine shortage, could have a negative impact…

Tina Hydro is the best model

I’M compelled to contribute to the discussion on the PPP form adopted to develop the Tina Hydro Project basically to provide an answer to the question on whether Solomon Islands as the owner of the project (asset) stands to benefit under the PPP variant that has been chosen.  I believe the country needs to be…

Gizo/Kolombangara by-election

Will GDL break the election history? SOON after the by-election for the Gizo/Kolombangra Constituency was announced, voters rose from their three years of political snoozing and commenced their support and campaign for their candidates. Four men and one woman are contesting the by-election. Whoever wins will represent the voters and people of Gizo/Kolombangra for only…

Drug shortage

Dear Editor – Thank you for allowing me to make a comment on the above heading that was on the headline news lately. It was announced on the news that there is a shortage of medical supplies stored at the pharmacy department store at Ranadi, Prince Philip Highway. As citizen, I see this as a…

Fika clarifies report

  Dear Editor – In your paper yesterday, one Titus Fika responded to an article, which I had published last week about the status of Gulatata’e Shipping Enterprises Ltd, the entity that administers the LC Gulatata’e. In comments attributed to him, Mr Fika denied owning shares in the company. Extracts from Company Haus revealed otherwise.…

Man and Sin

Welcome to our new topic for discussion this week, “Our Human Identity.” We will explore this important topic over the next few weeks. Let us begin by asking the great question asked by the Psalmist David, “What is man?” centuries ago. It is striking that this is the burning question of the 21st Century in…

Salvation – Part 3

Welcome to our final session of discussion on the topic “Salvation. As we are just two days aware from Easter, where we reflect on the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is important to remind ourselves of the significance of this event for our personal salvation. It is important to realise…

Celebrating women’s achievements

This is the speech delivered by Casper Fa’asala, the Acting General Secretary of the National Council of Women to mark International Women’s Day.       GOOD afternoon and a Very Happy Women’s Day to All CSO Male and Female Champions. It is indeed an honour and a privilege for me to be with you…

Traffic – way forward

  Dear Editor – Allow me a space in your newspaper to say about the above caption. Honiara City is known for its traffic flow problem regionally and it has been a liability to every stakeholder.  This issue needs to be addressed by every stakeholders rather than just putting the blame on The Ministry of…

A situation that must be addressed

The country’s rate of unemployment appeared to have gone through the roof. Just take a walk along the main Honiara streets during a day and you’ll realise this. Lots of people – both adults and youth – are roaming the streets doing nothing. You see them sitting along the pavements, around betel nut stalls, and…