Land for development

Dear Editor – As a Solomon Islander and one whose livelihood depends very much on the land I am living on, I tend to be nervous about the catch words and phrases being used now-a-days to try and allure landowners, to open up their lands for development. Whilst development is good, we must also carefully…

European unity and Pacific integration

LAST week, the European Union (EU) observed 9 May as Europe Day. Sixty six years ago on 9 May 1950, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, pleaded to fellow nations in the continent to unite and open a new chapter of peace and tranquility. The statement, known as Schuman Declaration , is considered a milestone…

Fear of falling price level

The Chinese Renminbi   Yet another advanced country is in the grip of fear of falling price level. On Tuesday, May 3, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) reduced its benchmark interest rate to 1.75 percent from 2.0 percent: the lowest rate ever. Interest rates charged by Australian banks for loans to consumers and businesses…

Believe it or not!

IMF loan for Saudi Arabia? Would you believe that Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest exporter of oil needs temporary accommodation to meet dollar shortages and might go to IMF? The culprit is the tumbling oil price: a steep fall from US$115 a barrel in 2014 to US$43 a barrel now.  Export earnings of oil exporting…

PMO claims nonsense

Dear Editor – The statement by the Office of the Prime Minister and cabinet blaming the Parliamentary Independent and Opposition groups of not supportive in the government’s efforts in getting the anti-corruption bill 2016 through parliament was outrageous on the part of the government, and logically it holds no sense at all. Being a lay…

Let’s face the reality

Speech presented in parliament by the Opposition leader on the Penal Code (Amendment)(Sexual Offences) Bill 2016 THANK you for giving me the opportunity to speak on this very important bill, the Penal code (amendment) (sexual offences) bill 2016. On the outset I would like to thank and congratulate the DCC Government for bring this very,…

Yow’s Apologists

Dear Editor – The ghost of Colin Yow refuses to go away, at least for now. Lately we have seen articles in your good paper (as well as in the Island Sun) written by apologists of the sacked CEO of SIPA. For instance, Henry Star Dora has elevated Mr Yow as a savior who has…

Premier insensitive

Dear Editor – We refer to the Solomon Star issue in which Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke made comments in relation to the recent brawl in the Windy Ridge area. We have the victims have seen that Veke’s response to the claim was not the type of quality leader that Guadalcanal citizen need in today’s world.…

You crucified himself

Dear Editor – One Henry J Star Dora wrote under the heading, “they conspired and crucified Yow” in a letter which appeared in the Tuesday issue of your newspaper. His “they” group comprises, the Attorney General, SIPA Board Chairman, President of SFA, and myself. Not sure whether this is the same man who organised performances…

Nothing to laugh about

Dear Editor – I would appreciate the opportunity to respond to the piece published in the Tuesday edition of the Star by M.R Junior. Mr Junior, clearly you don’t know me well. I find nothing to laugh about with this whole sad saga of SIPA and the demise of Mr Yow. I certainly don’t laugh…