Six new anti-corruption bills in 2016

2016 is a Year that the Government has promise to introduce six new Anti-Corruption bills. This statement was made by the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare during the International Anti-Corruption Day, which was marked in Honiara on the 9th of December 2015. The six anti-corruption bills are: 1.      Anti-Corruption Bill The Democratic Coalition for Change Government…

Let’s spare a thought

IT’S a great year this year is – full of challenges and great opportunities for doing a lot of things, good things. For example, there are those in business who have already worked out what their profit margin would be this year. To achieve their set target, they will give every excuse in the world…

Democratic Rights Fund

Dear Editor – The US based DRF supports Disabled Persons Organizations in the developing world to take the lead in advocating for the human rights of persons with disabilities at local and national levels, utilizing the mechanism of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In 2012 the Association for People with…

Let’s fight for a peaceful Solomons

LAW-ABIDING residents of Taba’a settlement in central Honiara have shown the way forward to tackling the illegal home-brew drink kwaso. Through their close collaboration with the police, thousands of litres of kwaso and dozens of marijuana plants were confiscated by police last Saturday. Kwaso and marijuana are scourges to our community. They contributed in a…

$300, 000 on offer

Dear Editor – Let me comment on the senior MP ministers who have refused to accept the $300, 000 bribe price on offer for MPs to re-force their 01. The DCCG members that switch side to join the opposition in a bid to unseat PM Manasseh Sogavare led DCCG government must be commend for standing…

New Year message and greetings

First and foremost let me thank God Almighty for his wonderful love, care and protection He has done to us since the 1st of January 2015 up until December 31st 2015.  We should also be thankful to Him (God) for many blessings He had given us throughout this year.  As we look forward to welcome…


When we lose hope, all we can see is what’s gone wrong and the disappointments in our lives.  As we begin our journey into 2016, we need to discover the essence of hope to overcome the disappointments of 2015. Hope in God is the only kind that will work. It guides us in our destiny…

PM got it wrong

Dear Editor – There could be a better word to use by the PM for justifying his payments to the ex militants. These are the very people that brought this country to chaos. They protected nothing as most infrastructures were destroyed and innocent lives are lost due to their criminal actions. Peace cannot be paid with…