Rural schools as better as urban schools

PRINCIPAL of Faufanea community high school (FCHS), Malaita Provincial has assured parents that academic standards students receive in rural community schools are of equal footing to that received by students at urban schools. The principal, Michael Booboo Ma’akalo made this assurance in an effort to convince parents who hold conflicting views on the level of…

Tension murder accused acquitted

THE man who faced charges for the death of three people during the height of the ethnic tension in 2003 has been acquitted. This was after the court found no evidence against John Meti yesterday during a short form preliminary inquiry. After going through the committal papers, Principal Magistrate found no evidence to sustain the…

Offer of help rejected

Hospital theatres remain closed A KIND-HEARTED donation that should get the two closed operating theatres at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) up and running within a week was turned down over the weekend. Tropic Glass and Aluminium (TGA) Limited, a locally owned company, was shocked last Saturday when its offer to renovate the two closed…

7 candidates to contest city by-election

A TOTAL total of seven candidates have submitted nominations after the Vuhokesa ward by-election nomination closed on Wednesday. “As of 4pm, Wednesday, our Election Office officially received a total of seven candidates who have submitted their nominations to contest,” Returning Officer Madlyn Ero said. “Out from the seven submissions, six of them are males and…

Hospital theatres closed

Lives at risk, say doctors TWO of the three Operating Theatres at the National Referral Hospital have been closed for repair since December. And despite assurances from health authorities to do the repair work sooner, nothing has been done since. “We are now into the third month of closure,” Dr Paul Hitchin, an Orthopaedic Surgeon…