Opposition on denial by PIB

THE Parliamentary Opposition Group says the denial by Pacific Insurance Brokers (PIB) is logical as PIB will go to any length in safeguarding the interest of their client Aggressor Solomon Limited (ASL). The Opposition Group in a  statement yesterday said, whilst they understand that PIB did not make the direct payment, however, being a broker…

59 students terminated, suspended

ABOUT 59 Solomon Islands government students studying at the University of the South Pacific (USP) have been cancelled after they failed two or more of their courses undertaken last semester. The termination, which was decided by the National Training Committee, was enforced last Friday. The Solomon Islands Student Association (SISA) president Anthony Maelasi said, the…

Seven years behind bars for Rex

A seven-year imprisonment term has been imposed last Friday for the man who attacked another man with a knife last year. Guadalcanal man, Rex Teghakrakamana was sentenced after his conviction of one count of grievous harm charge. He pleaded guilty to the charge in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court last year after the charge was reduced…

Guadalcanal marks big day

Guadalcanal Province on Friday marked its second appointed day at Kavuare, Kakabona. Guest of honor, Minister for Provincial Government and Institution Strengthening Duddley Kopu during the ceremony said occasion marks a time when the provincial government and its people can celebrate the achievements and successes. “Big or small, you have endured many challenges in your…

KOICA sends 5 for further training

Five locals have been awarded scholarships to undertake long term and short term trainings in Korea. Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) yesterday presented the scholarship recipients their awards and held a pre-departure briefing at the KOICA office. The five are Jenifer Kela (short term training on Aviation security and safety), Oliver Oli and Cliff Sekepae…

HCC executive briefed on Premiers Conference

The Honiara City Council (HCC) executive has been given insights about the progress of the Premiers conference preparations The Local Organising Committee (LOC) responsible for the conference’s preparations, presented to the council’s executive a progressive report and an overview of the plans and activities. Chairman of LOC Maesac Suia said, since the Guadalcanal Province and…

Mining the way forward

Extracting bauxite ore in Rennell is a way forward for Rennell and Bellona province in eradicating the many socio-economic problems, says William Tino, one of the landowner trustees. In terms of economic revenue, improve a sustainable livelihood and to address many of social-economic problems with unemployment, bauxite mining is one way forward, he said. “Utilization…