Urban initiatives highlighted

THE country’s urban development initiatives have been emphasized by the Minister for Lands, Housing & Survey Hon. Moses Garu, Monday. Garu was speaking at the opening of the three days Solomon Islands National Urban Conference (SINUC) which will end today in Honiara. “My Ministry is fortune to have a number of initiatives tackling the cross…

PINA boss encourages media to be empowered

PACIFIC Islands News Association (PINA) president, Moses Stevens has encouraged national media associations to be empowered to give strong voice for PINA. Stevens stated this when he met with members of Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) at Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) last Friday before his departure to his home country in Vanuatu. He said…

The importance of ward profiling

A private consultant says the importance of ward profiling is vital to the implementation of development projects, by the government and NGOs (Non Government Organization) in our rural communities. Samson Maenuta made the comments during a short visit by the Solomon Star and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) to…

Fatai’s fate as Mayor soon

HONIARA City Mayor, Alfrence Fatai of Vura ward is expected to know his fate around 18 July. This was when the 28-days’ notice moved by member for Ngossi ward, Andrew Mua on 21st June, will lapse. Honiara City administrators were tight-lipped over the notice. However, a councilor, who wished to remain anonymous, told media that…

SIPA inquiry kicks off

The Commission of Inquiry into the reform program of the SI Ports Authority has begun its work, in office facilities at the Paul Tovua Building, National Parliament. Documentary evidence of interest to the inquiry has been requisitioned from those concerned. In coming weeks the Commission will be interviewing and taking oral evidence from persons that…