Calls to strengthen revenue base

PREMIER of Western Province Christian Mesepitu has called onto the private sector development and local entrepreneurship to widen its revenue base. Premier Christian Mesepitu highlighted this key point last Monday during Western Province Assembly passes the budget as he outlined his five key strategic areas for implementation in his administration. One of his key strategic…

Taiwan accused of using Malaita

PRIME Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare is accusing Taiwan in supporting Malaita which led to the looting last month. Speaking in response to the allegation laid against him during the motion of no confidence on Monday , he said the innocent people of Malaita were being lied to by those agents of Taiwan. “What these people…

PM: Effecting the process of Federal Constitution

The Government will momentarily discuss transitions towards the new Federal system of governance under the ‘framework of our national unity.’ Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Sogavare stated in Parliament while introducing the Sine Dine motion this week. The Prime Minister remarked, the process towards meaningful decentralisation and its realisation is now. “As a responsible Government, we…


His Excellency Governor General and the Commander in Chief of Solomon Islands on Saturday 4th December 2021 has declared Malaita for Democracy (M4D) as an unlawful society under section 66 (2) (ii) of the Penal Code. The declaration was made after investigations conducted by Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have identified a number of…

Maelanga says sorry

DEPUTY Prime Minister (DPM) and Member of Parliament (MP) for East Malaita yesterday expresses apology for the illegal rioting, looting and burning incident that ravaged the city fortnight ago. Speaking in Parliament during the motion of sine die, Manasseh Maelanga condemned the action because many businesses, shops, homes, properties and lives were burnt down and…