Mua updates 2019 corona virus cases

THE MINISTER of Health and Medical Services Hon Dickson Mua updates the 2019 coronavirus at the press conference Wednesday. Speaking at the press conference, the Minister for Health and Medical Services Hon Dickson Mua stated that he wishes to inform the people of the Solomon Islands of the cov19, coronavirus, and what we should prepare…


Proposed ‘Justice Precinct’ on the way By ASSUMPTA BUCHANAN   THE Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs (MJLA) is currently working on building a “Justice Precinct” for the nation’s courts. This was revealed by the ministry’s Permanent Secretary Dr Paul Mae at the opening of the new courtroom at the High Court yesterday. “From the…


NEARLY $70,000 have since been raised in Gizo and Munda over the past month as efforts are continuing after the national Cabinet had made a nationwide appeal for Provinces in the Solomon Islands to assist with Bushfire survivors in Australia.  Reports reaching from the Solomon Star Gizo say that in just three hours last Friday…

Panelists hit out at Minister’s actions

PANELISTS in a radio Talk-Back show united on Sunday to condemn the government’s move to borrow US$100 billion in loan from a mysterious Chinese broker called Terry Wong. Ruth Liloqula, executive director of Transparency Solomon Island; Edward Ronia, former Auditor General and Denton Rarawa, former Governor of Central Bank were panelists in the talk-back show…

China wants travel ban reconsidered

HEAD of the Chinese Embassy Taskforce in Solomon Islands Yao Ming wants the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) to ease the travel restriction to allow their diplomat officials to travel to Solomon Islands. The travel ban was placed by SIG in early February 2020 after the coronavirus (2019-nCov) outbreak in Wahun, China, towards the end of…