Agriculture minister visits Honiara farmers

A team from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock paid a field visit to Honiara communities engaged in backyard farming, Friday. Led by the Minister of Agriculture, Augustine Auga and his Permanent Secretary Jimi Saelea, the team visited nursery greenhouse sites around Honiara. Sites visited were the backyard gardens component of the 2010 Agriculture and…

Police told to ‘dig deeper’

A former High Court judge has urged the police to dig deeper in their investigation of the Mbikeisland shooting. Australian Stephen Pallaras made the comments after police arrested one suspect in relation to the incident, which occurred on 9 December last year. Jim Aita is being held in custody on charges of threatening with firearm,…

DPP Lawyers leaving office

I’m concern at the trend, says Talasasa DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions Ronald Bei Talasasa says he’s gravely concern about the future of his office. Mr Talasasa raised this after three of his senior prosecutors will be leaving shortly to join the Magistrate’s Court. “I’m very concerned about the future of the Office of the Director…

Ete launches election survey report

DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Douglas Ete on Friday launched the Election Survey Report in Parliament. In his remarks, Mr Ete said the report is an important document for policy makers to read. “This government supports the intention of women participating in political leadership” Mr Ete said. He added he will present…

Lawyers make representations

LAWYERS for East Guadalcanal Member of Parliament Bradley Tovosia and former Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke have made representations to the prosecution. This is in relation to preliminary issues regarding evidential matters. Prosecution however, needs time to respond to that representation. State Prosecutor Augustine Aulanga who appeared in court yesterday said they need time to respond.…