Secret boat trips to Malaita uncovered

MALAITANS stranded in Honiara are returning to the province in outboard motors under the cover of darkness to avoid being caught by police. Solomon Star Auki, was reliably informed that many Malaitans are returning home using outboard motors (OBM) since the border restrictions implemented last month during the COVID-19 community transmission in Honiara. The source…

Roaming drunkards irk Noro residents

NORO in Western Province continue to experience an increasing number of people especially youths roaming the street and communities drunk while causing nuisance, playing loud music and even causes troubles. And this had raised complaints and concern from residents in Noro. Because of the concern Noro Oversight Committee Inspector, Robert Hickie said they will try to…


Increased fuel price forces surge in produces at Gizo market INCREASE in fuel price especially petrol in Western Province has resulted in a knock-on effect with market vendors increasing the price of their produce at the Gizo main market. The Gizo main market currently opens three days a week for only fully vaccinated vendors and…

Fair Glory set for special trip

FAIRWEST Shipping Company Limited has announced that one of its passenger vessels MV Fair Glory will make special trip to repatriate all stranded Western Province residents next week. The announcement came after the Western Provincial Disaster Operations Centre (PDOC) approved the repatriation trip for next Monday. In announcing the trip Fairwest Shipping said: “MV Fair…