Briefing on national security strategy

The national security division of the Ministry of Police National Security and Correctional Services met on Wednesday at Parliament with the Parliamentary Committee on Police & Security to brief them on the progress work in formulating and development the national security strategy. Attending the meeting were the chairman of the committee Member of Parliament for…

Maneniaru pleased with PNA outcome

THE Parties to Nauru Agreement (PNA) 13th Ministerial Meeting ended in Nauru on Thursday, with Solomon Islands coming away satisfied following Kiribati’s decision to join the longline vessel day scheme (LL VDS) which the former had implemented since 2016. Minister of Fisheries, John Maneniaru welcomes Kiribati’s decision to finally align itself with Solomon Islands and…

Team here to assess EVAWG support

A TEAM from the Office of Development Effectiveness (ODE) from DFAT in Canberra is currently here, to strategically evaluate Australia’s development assistance towards Ending Violence Against Women And Girls (EVAWG). The team arrived last week, and will be in Solomon Islands until the end of this week. A statement from DFAT office revealed the team…

PM lauds NZ’s funding boost

PRIME Minister Rick Hou has warmly welcomed the increased funding by the New Zealand Government under the Official Development Assistance (ODA) programme. The  New Zealand high commissioner to Solomon Islands Don Higgins this week presented a letter from the acting New Zealand prime minister Rt Hon Winston Peters, to prime minister Hou, on the details…

‘No room for corruption in force’

Police Commissioner Matthew Varley says the conviction of two police officers recently in the Honiara Magistrates’ Court indicates that there is no room for corruption in the police force.  Mr Varley made this sentiment at his weekly conference on Thursday at the Rove Police Headquarters. “The point I would want to make in terms of…


A YOUNG mother in her 20s has died instantly, after being struck by a lightning on Wednesday, in a remote community in Baegu, North-East Malaita. The unfortunate incident happened at Lobau village, in the highlands of Baegu, when the innocent mother was doing domestic work outside their family home. Information reaching Solomon Star Auki claimed…

SINU issues sales ban

THE Solomon Islands National University (SINU) has taken a bold step in banning the sale and consumption of betel nut in its campuses in Honiara. A notice from the university’s senior management committee recently circulated confirmed the ban effective as of the 30th July 2018. “This is to inform all students and staff that sale…

In Court with Assumpta Buchanan

* Man to be sentenced for receiving drinks* Rape accused to plea* Man to be sentenced for receiving drinks Man to be sentenced for receiving drinks A man who confessed to receiving cartons of stolen soft drinks in 2016 at Henderson, East Honiara will be sentenced on August 7. David Kereka had pleaded guilty to…


PM orders technical audit drug procurement process Prime Minister Rick Hou has directed a technical audit to be carried out to urgently look at the whole drug procurement system and to verify the root cause of the current drug shortage. This was highlighted by Mr Hou when he met with the executive of the Forum…

Funds for east road upgrade queried

THE Malaita provincial government (MPG) minister for the eastern region has queried funding allocation for East Malaita road upgrade, which was announced last year. Finely Fiumae questioned the funding after the East Malaita road continues to deteriorate without much attention from the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) to fix the road. Mr. Fiumae told the…