Kwaiafa needs highlighted

Kwaiafa Community High School (KCHS) in East Malaita needs a lot of improvement in terms of infrastructure development. Christina Fugui, the school principal highlighted this when speaking during school’s annual graduation ceremony on Friday. “This school needs a new library, a science lab, a proper administration office for primary and secondary, a proper assemble hall…

Kilusakwalo stage graduation

Kilusakwalo Christian community high school (KCCHS) in Malaita hosted its school graduation day last Friday. Hundreds of students from grade six; form 3, 5 and 6 received their school certificates during the ceremony. School principal Robert Jones said, a graduation ceremony is always such a special occasion. He said the journey has not been easy…

Hostility against Lilo boys

Caretaker Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has denied claims workers at his private Doma residence in west Guadalcanal have threatened nearby villagers. Instead, he said it was certain boys within the community who have been hostile to his workers. Lilo is building a family home on the Doma land he recently acquired from Guadalcanal Province.…

Chinatown gets 24-hour security

An army of security guards converged onto Chinatown last Saturday as the nation heads to the polls on November 19. They are private security guards the Solomon Islands Chinese Association (SICA) engaged to provide 24 hour security within the shopping district during the election period. SICA chairman Matthew Quan confirmed to the Sunday Star they’ve…

Mataki: Relocation a huge challenge

Relocating those on the low lying atolls affected by climate change is a huge challenging. That’s according to Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment and Conservation, Climate Change and Meteorology, Dr Melchior Mataki. “When we talk about relocating, you are relocating structures, cultures and even political attachments,” he said. “All these issues need to be looked…