Students encouraged to maintain discipline

YOU must have visions and work towards those visions in your education. Minister for environment, climate change, disaster management and meteorology and MP for Gao-Bugotu, Samuel Manetoali told the students of Sir Dudley Tuti College (Kamaosi) during his visit to the school. “Discipline yourself and work towards your dreams,” Minister Manetoali said. A total of…

Concern over illegal settlements

THE Honiara City Council together with the Country Planning Board (CPB) has been urged to proactive in executing their duty to ensure residents abide to council laws. Chris Sae a Public Servant and a Honiara resident told the Solomon Star Tuesday. He said the raise in illegal settlement within the town boundary is a serious…

JICA eyes rural health improvement

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is focusing on a health promoting village project project to improve the health condition of people living in the rural areas. Chief adviser of the project Dr. Rikimaru of JICA said the project will kick start, once the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) approved their proposal in November…

MP delivers materials, constituents happy

A NUMBER of constituents of Lau/Baelelea constituency, Malaita province have expressed to their Member of Parliament (MP) Augustine Auga for delivering materials for their housing project. The delivery of the housing materials took place on the coast of Foltana, by a huge landing craft. The materials included roofing iron, nails, 100 petrol drums of 44…

Isabel takes delivery of admin complex

THE Isabel provincial government on Tuesday has taken delivery of two story building complex from the ministry of provincial government and institutional strengthening. Isabel provincial premier James Habu confirmed the build cost more than $2.8 million. The construction of this administration complex started in 2012, but due to some challenges, it has to take three…

Tax-free case costs $100k

The case filed by the Members of Parliament Entitlement Commission (PEC) to defend tax-free salaries of MPs at the Court of Appeal cost taxpayers more than SBD$100,000.00, a source had revealed. PEC lost the case in High Court after it was ruled that tax free salaries for MPs and all other entitlements in Regulation 2015,…


Malaita Police probe death in North Malaita Auki Police in Malaita is currently investigating a suspected murder case in North Malaita after a male in his late 20s was found dead on an island just outside Walo after a fishing trip. According to Auki Provincial Police Commander (PPC) acting Timothy Apaesi, police have already arrested…


Malaita Police probe death in North Malaita Auki Police in Malaita is currently investigating a suspected murder case in North Malaita after a male in his late 20s was found dead on an island just outside Walo after a fishing trip. According to Auki Provincial Police Commander (PPC) acting Timothy Apaesi, police have already arrested…

Speaker: Pray for Malaita govt

The Malaita Provencal Assembly Speaker Titus Fika has called on all Malaitans to pray for the up coming motion of no confidence that is before the assembly. Mr. Fika made the call on Monday in an exclusive interview with this paper in Auki. He said the Malaita provincial government has gone through some tough times…