Tension defused at Graciosa Bay

A ROW between loggers and villagers at Graciosa Bay, Temotu Province, is now under control as of Tuesday. A well-placed source from Latatold the Solomon StarXiang Lin Timber Company conducted its first transshipment of logs inside the bay without consent from the chiefs. “The community elders seized the tug boat on Monday night and demanded…


The Church movement called ‘Message of the Kingdom’ is now on the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force’s (RSIPF) radar. This followed reports members of the movement are selling their properties and a suggestion an uprising is likely in the province A statement issued by the police media unit on Monday said, the Royal Solomon Islands…

1583 traffic cases for 2017

THE Kukum Traffic Police Department has recorded a total of 1583 traffic related incidents that leads to 7 deaths in Honiara last year. That’s according to the Kukum Traffic Police Supervising Director George Mouli in an exclusive interview on Friday. “For the past year 2017 we have received a total of 1583 reported cases,” said…

Murrays’ case before court today

The alleged million dollar fraud case against the former permanent secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID) Henry Murray and his wife Rose will be mentioned again in court today. Chief Magistrate Emma Garo on the last court date has already fixed a month long trial commencing on 21 February 2018. The mention of…

Police News

* Wife nabbed for injuring hubby* Wife attacker arrested* Boat collision leaves 15yr old injured* Police witness Manaoba reconciliation* Man wounded at Marau Wife nabbed for injuring hubby  A female suspect has been apprehended Police at Yandina, Russell Islands, in the Central Islands Province (CIP) on Wednesday – 10 January 2018 in connection to a…

Wife nabbed for injuring hubby

A female suspect has been apprehended Police at Yandina, Russell Islands, in the Central Islands Province (CIP) on Wednesday – 10 January 2018 in connection to a family violence incident. A police media unit statement said, the alleged incident occured at Ilua settlement on Banika Island. Yandina Police received the report and responded by attending…

Community help lauded

COMMUNITIES and villages in Renbel, Western-Shortland Islands, Temotu and Malaita Provinces have been commended for their support demonstrated towards the success of the  national Village Resource Survey (VRS) and Household Listing 2017-2018 initial phase in 2017. The survey was conducted under the responsibility of Solomon Islands National Statistics Office (SINSO).  Government Statisticians (GS) Douglas Kimi…