NRH scale down services as workers head home to vote By ANDREW FANASIA SERVICES at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara have been scaled down starting last Thursday to allow doctors, nurses, and other medical workers to travel and vote in their home constituencies. That’s according to hospital chief executive officer Dr Steve Aumanu…


THE Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) strongly appeals to all liquor license holders throughout the country to observe the liquor ban declared from 2 – 6 April 2019 to coincide with the National General Election next week. The Liquor Ban Order has been issued by the Caretaker Minister of Home Affairs, Ishmael Avui under…


*Former PS gets 4 years verdict*Ineligible to contest NGE By ASSUMPTA BUCHANAN THE former permanent secretary for the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID), who corruptly received more than $700,000 from the government has been sentenced to four years imprisonment, Friday. This means that Henry Murray, 52, who is also a candidate contesting the East Makira…


Malaysia mission shutting down By ANDREW FANASIA THE Government is closing down the country’s High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, just five years after it opened the mission in 2013. The decision comes as High Commissioner Victor Ngele’s contract comes to an end. “…yes, the office is closing down,” one senior official from the Ministry…

Malaita plans 1 week liquor ban

MALAITA intends to impose a liquor ban three days before polling day and four days after. Acting premier Joe Heroau mentioned this during discussions on the issue, Wednesday. The nation goes to the polls on April 3, which has been declared a public holiday. The ban, Heroau said, may start on April 1 and continue…

International election observers arriving

INTERNATIONAL electoral observers are starting to fly into the country to observe the first Solomon Islands National General Election (NGE) since the RAMSI left the country in 2017. Solomon Island Electoral Office (SIEC) Chief Electoral Officer Mose Saitala told the media in Honiara, Monday. According to Saitala they expect 200 electoral observers both internationally and…

Death certificate wanted in court

CHIEF Justice Sir Albert Palmer has ordered the death certificate of late John Biliki, who was charged in connection with the $10 million scandal in the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, to be provided to the court. Palmer ordered Biliki’s lawyer to provide the death certificate within the next 14 days. This is to…

Panga case back in court

THE matter of the former Guadalcanal premier Stephen Panga, who faces a charge of abuse of office, will return to court again, April 8. Panga was excused from attending court on Tuesday. His trial last year had been vacated after prosecution made an application to admit the statement of one of their witnesses. Principal Magistrate…

Varley conducts brief visit to West

Police Commissioner Mathew Varley successfully conducted a half day visit to the Western Province on Tuesday. He visited three centres starting at the provincial capital, Gizo then onto Ringi and Seghe. The short visit was to discuss issues related to next week’s election, its preparation,  the safety and security of the people in Western province…