Teachers undergo training

AN induction training for block 4 course materials of the certificate in teaching programme for the Teachers in Training (TITs) of Northern and Eastern Regions of Malaita Province is currently underway in Auki, Malaita Province. This training is a continuation after the two regions have completed the other 3 blocks of the Certificate in Teaching…

Gwounaru’u airport clean up ends

THE project to clean up Gwounaru’u airport in Auki, Malaita Province has been completed this week. Gwounaru’u and Kwabala community in West Kwara’ae have been contracted to do the cleaning up of the airport over the past weeks. Provincial Minister for Land Administration, Reform and Survey Martin Fini said, the two communities have completed brushing…

Alcohol & domestic violence

Dear Editor – Many readers of your newspaper this morning at home and abroad would have been utterly appalled to have read the article alleging that a mother on Ulawa Island in the Makira Province was left paralyzed last Saturday following an argument with her partner who, allegedly, was intoxicated at the time. This latest…

Public acknowledged for peaceful Easter

Chairman of the Law Enforcement Division of Honiara City Council has thanked the public for their good behaviour over the Easter period. Councillor Charles Aiwosuga said Honiara residents were able to celebrate the Easter peacefully and at the same time maintain the cleanliness of the City. “There were no major disturbances and I thank everyone…

Seafarers undergo safety training

More than 18 untrained boat crews (seafarers) have undergone a training on basic marine safety over the weekend at Ranadi Industrial site, East Honiara. The training was an initiative program facilitated by Sol Safety Consultancy and Training Services (SSCTS) through marine authority to provide skills to untrained boat crews on basic Marine safety. Facilitating the…

Passenger boats must be inspected: Captain

A long serving ship captain and former Solomon Islands College of High Education marine Lecture Elijah Mouku says 90 percent of passenger vessels serving people need full inspection assessments. Mr Mouku said it is clear inspection of passenger and cargo boats has never been consistent. “A good number of boats servicing our waters were never…

Garu charged with office misconduct

Member of Parliament (MP) for West Guadalcanal and former Minister of Mines and Energy, Moses Garu is the latest MP to be charged for misconduct in office. According to the national broadcaster, SIBC, the Leadership Code Commission (LCC) formally charged him last Thursday. Chair of the Leadership Code Commission (LCC) Francis Luza said the charge…

Dovele community celebrates Easter

HONIARA based Dovele community of North Vella La Vella, Western provinces celebrated Easter in style on Sunday as part of raising much needed funds to support a health centre in their area. The one day event featured a number of games, race, fun games and sales of food. Chairman of the program Conrad Rore said,…

Thousands join Easter fun run

THOUSANDS of people living in Honiara concluded their Easter celebration with muscle flexing when they hit the road for the annual Easter fun run, Monday morning. The annual Easter Monday occasion attracted children, youths, women, leaders, expats, locals, visiting friends and families, all dressed in their respective uniforms to participate. The route started at Lawson…

Rini to unveil big budget

RURAL Development and Infrastructure are to be the prized items in the Democratic Coalition for Change (DCC) Government’s 2015 Budget this year. Finance and Treasury Minister, Snyder Rini, will bring down the $4.1 billion budget, the nation’s historic budget, when the 10th Parliament resumes later this morning. Dubbed the People’s Budget, the DCC Government, led…