Australia’s DAP supports Reef islands

Congratulations to Nola Community in the Reef Islands! The Australian Government through the Direct Aid Program (DAP) is pleased to have funded a new permanent pigpen project, led by Mathew Nare, to assist communities generate income by selling their pigs. Australian High Commission First Secretary Political Jessica Carpenter handed over the pigpen on 19 October…

Togamana: All health facilities must implement IPC guideline

THE Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), Minister, Dr. Culwick Togamana is calling on everyone within the health facilities across the country to facilitate implementation of the important Infection Prevention Control guideline. The Minister, Dr. Culwick Togamana had stated this during the launch of the National Infection Prevention Control guideline, Wednesday. He stated having…

Japan to assist Afio & Faula with projects

THE Government of Japan will assist water supply and sanitation projects for Afio and Faula in Malaita Province through it Grassroots and Human Security Program. To formally facilitate the funding assistance, a signing ceremony was held yesterday at the Japanese Embassy in Honiara. Speaking at the official grant signing of the grant contract, Japanese Ambassador…


Lapse in legislation threatens young children A lapse in legislation has left police in a quandary as a new drug with potential harmful effects invades nearly every school in Honiara. And police warned yesterday that unless urgent action is taken to make the production of the drug an offence, they will be powerless to deal…