Court reserves ruling

THE court is reserving its ruling in relation to a committal hearing conducted, Wednesday on the case of a man facing attempted murder. This was after the defence counsel raised a preliminary issue regarding the minor charges against the accused. This is whether or not other minor charges against the accused will also be committed…

Accused robbers to take plea

THREE men accused of robbing a company in east Honiara of properties and cash valued at $160, 000 will take their pleas on May 25. Willie Olo, James Bae and Jonis Suba are co-accused with two other men, Elson Kava and Martin Omaki, who are facing charges of receiving. These two accused are not part…

Accused jailed for brewing kwaso

A MAN who admitted brewing illegal alcohol (kwaso) way back in 2008 has been sentenced to one year in jail, Wednesday. Simon Delemani, who is currently serving a life-time term in relation to a separate matter, entered his guilty plea to the charge of making liquor. This was in relation to the incident between 8…

We got it!

Country to host 2023 Pacific Games THE country will host the Pacific Games for the first time in 2023. The nation’s bid received 14 votes, well above Tahiti’s six, during the Pacific Games Council’s (PGC) general assembly in Port Vila, Vanuatu, Wednesday. Kiribati and Tokelau did not attend. The decision came following the votes of…

Land secured for NRH relocation

LAND has been secured for the relocation of the National Referral Hospital (NRH). This has been planned due to issues pertaining to the hospital’s vulnerability of its current location. Commissioner of Lands, Nelson Naopo confirmed that a piece of land has been secured at the Gilbert Camp area. This is one of the policy priorities…

SI students at UPNG affected by boycott

Solomon Islands students studying at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) are being affected by a move to boycott classes and that has been extended for another week. The UPNG Students Reprehensive Council (SRC) has extended the class boycott for another week. UPNG students and other tertiary institutions in PNG last week demanded Prime…

Australia supports biosecurity work here

LAST week, Australian biosecurity specialists delivered computer and database equipment and specialised training in border operations information management to senior management and surveillance officers from Biosecurity Solomon Islands, within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. This forms part of the Australian-funded Biosecurity Development Program that aims to strengthen Biosecurity Solomon Islands to carry out pest…

Rescued at sea

PNG nationals survive six-week sea ordeal FOURTEEN Papua New Guinea nationals who drifted for six weeks at sea have been rescued by a fishing boat outside national waters and brought in to Honiara yesterday. They include four males and 10 females, the youngest being a girl of 4. Unfortunately, a woman in her 40s had…