Gaeramoa on MPAs’ absenteeism

MEMBERS of the Malaita Provincial Assembly (MPAs) who avoided attending important meetings should have their seats declared vacant. A man from West Kwara’ae Paul Gaeramoa shared his view stating MPAs who are absent from attending important meetings like the budget meeting should have their seats declared vacant for failing their mandated responsibility. Mr Gaeramoa said…


Malaita Opposition MPAs demand $160k, 16 shell money compensation from MPG in ‘reconciliation call’ THE Opposition Group who recently called for a reconciliation with the Daniel Suidani led MARA government are now demanding a compensation payment worth $160,000 and 16 shell money in a twist that baffles the Malaita Provincial Government (MPG). Information reaching Solomon…

Search for new grave site remains

A WORKING committee responsible for securing a cemetery site for Honiara City is continuing in search of a grave site. The Ministry of Lands, Housing & Survey Commissioner, and Ministry of Home Affairs Permanent Secretary both confirmed this during a press conference the Oversight Committee had with the media, Thursday. The Ministry of Lands, Housing…