Alleged robbers wore police uniform stole two gold bars   SEVEN masked men dressed in police uniform traveling in a G-plated land cruiser had robbed two gold bars and hard cash from a mining company operating in Central Guadalcanal in the early hours of Wednesday. Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau told reporters yesterday those men are…


MINISTER of Finance and Treasury Harry Kuma is urging youths and people who aimlessly roam the streets of Honiara to go home and till their land. He made this comment during his contribution to the sine-die motion in parliament last week. “We should learn from the success stories of rural kava farmers continuously told through…

Sigimanu calls for positive reporting 

MEDIA has been urged to report more positive news than negative in order to help with the development of this country.  Solomon Airlines, Commercial Manager, Colin Sigimanu has stated this when presenting the Airlines’ situation during the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) three-day workshop on strengthening the capacity of journalists to report on the…

‘Corruption, opposite of development’

‘Corruption undermines development, inhibits economic growth, hinders the delivery of services and undermines good governance and the rule of law’ was the conclusion of the participants at the outreach event in Gizo, Solomon Islands, marking the  December 9th, the International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD).  International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) is observed all over the world every year…