Auki police gears up training for election

Auki police, Malaita Province undergoing Public Order Management (POM) training in preparation for the National General Elections. The week-long training commenced yesterday at the Aligegeo stadium, facilitated by sergeant Tex Tafoa, the provincial training coordinator. Mr Tafoa said the training is to prepare the force for any disorders or any disorderly circumstances that may arise…

Seven In-Service receive ROC ICDF scholarship

The second batch of recipients of the ROC/Taiwan scholarship has received their award letters from the Taiwanese Ambassador HE Victor Te-Sun Yu at the Taiwanese Embassy. The seven are recipients of the ROC International Cooperation Development Fund (ICDF) scholarship under the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All of them will be doing their Bachelor In-Service…

Why treat MOI differently from the rest?

Former diplomat and Trade Negotiations Envoy, Mr. Robert Sisilo, has expressed concerns on the decision by the Solomon Islands Electoral Commission (SIEC) to conduct the public hearing process for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) in Honiara, and not in the MOI constituency (Luaniua, Pelau & Sikaiana) proper. In a phone conversation with Chief Electoral Commissioner Polycarp…

ROC encourages females

THE Republic of China/ Taiwan is encouraging the education of females by tilting the scale in favour of females in their scholarship selection for next year. Out of more than 600 applicants for the 2015 Taiwanese Scholarship joint award, most of the recipients were females. The recipient gets their scholarship award last week from the…

Temotu Pele MP Dies

MEMBER of Parliament for Temotu Pele Martin Magga has died late on Monday night. Mr Maga had been battling a long illness that left him on a wheel chair since 2009. The Reef Islander born November 11, 1953 is a backbencher in the current government. He entered Parliament during the 2006 National General Election and…