Why complain?

You choose to become a MP so don’t complain about crowded homes THE visiting Member of Parliament (MP) for the New South Wales government Jonathan O’Dea has reminded local MPs to not complain about their homes being crowded each day with constituents seeking assistance. Speaking before the MPs at the National Parliament yesterday O’Dea stressed…

Reforestation program for SI

The Ministry of Forest together with the Korean Government will be taking a National Action Plan on Forest Reforestation in the country. In a process of doing so, the Ministry has sent its some of its employees to Korea in training and to see for themselves how effective the Korean Government make use of Forest…

Woman MP hits back at PAP

Temotu Vatud MP Freda Tuki Soriacomua has hit back at the People’s Alliance Party (PAP) president Sir Nathaniel Waena over accusations that she was an arrogant party-hopper. Soriacomua contested and won last year’s election under PAP ticket. But she said she’s now resigned from PAP and now a Kandere Party member. She explained there’s nothing…

Plight of diabetic patients

Two diabetic patients who are told to discharge from the National Referral Hospital have been without food supply for at least nine days. Rexford Okota, 73, and Nelson Mwaki, 38, were told to move out of the National Referral Hospital on the 27th of April last month but they refused to leave because life back…

Hou wants his pay Taxed

Small Malaita MP Rick Hou has written to the Clerk to Parliament to deduct tax from his salary. In a letter to the Clerk, which the Sunday Star obtained, Hou said he took the decision to go in line with his recent comments in parliament, calling for a review of the tax-free salary award made…

Panatina Creek benefits from REP

Lower Panatina Creek in East Honiara will soon benefit from a newly built Jacobs ladder which is currently in construction process. The project started last month and will be completed any time this week.  The project is being funded by the World Bank and it is coordinated by the Rapid Employment Program initiated the by…

Why main market closes on Sunday

THE Honiara Central Market Management and Honiara City Council (HCC)  executive has decided to close the main market on Sundays due to less vendors and customers. Honiara Central Market Master, Saxon Ofata revealed this to Solomon Star in an interview yesterday. This follows concerns raised in the media why the new market management has closed…

Illegal fee collection

Officers accused of collecting fee illegally from vendors A NUMBER of Honiara City Council (HCC) Law Enforcement Officers have been accused of collecting market fees illegally from market vendors selling their produce near at White River 01 bus-stop, West Honiara. A source close to the Solomon Star and an insider from the Law Enforcement Division…

MPs get tax free pay

MEMBERS of Parliament are now enjoying tax free salaries as of April 1 this year. Parliamentary Entitlements Commission (PEC) awarded the tax free benefits to MPs under recent changes it made to MPs entitlements. That’s beside the tax free $400,000 terminal grant each MP gets after a term in parliament. Under recent awards, MPs’ discretionary…