STUDENTS sponsored by the government can now go back to their countries of study, now that international borders have opened, the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), said on Wednesday. But there are requirements. First, the National Scholarship Division has granted such students permission to defer their studies because of the COVID-19 pandemic…

Compensation paid as parties reconciled

A successful compensation payment and reconciliation ceremony was held in Auki yesterday to mend relationship between the people of Baegu Asifola, Lau Mbaelelea, and Tobaita following the brutal killing of late Aba from Loi’na community in North Malaita recently.   Members of Parliament (MPs) from Baegu Asifola Makario Tagini, MP for Lau Mbaelelea Augustine Auga,…

Walter Folotalu passes on:

Baegu Asifola and Lau Mbaelelea lost a great leader THE first Baegu Asifola electorate Member of Parliament (MP) Walter Folotalu has passed on, it was confirmed. Mr Folotalu who was voted by the people of Baegu Asifola as the first ever MP for the newly formed Baegu Asifola electorate after it was divided from Lau…

$5m youth centre set to commence

A $5million dollar project for the construction of a new Youth Centre Complex for the Western Province will commence once a tender process is carried out. The multi-millionaire project comes under the Provincial Constituency Development Fund (PCDF) with a budget allocation of 3 million dollar and another additional $2million support from the National Government. Speaking…