Accused may change pleas

THE former correctional service officer facing multiple fraud charges might be entering guilty pleas to some of the charges against him. Don Lisi Talu’s matter was adjourned from the last occasion to yesterday for him to enter his pleas to the 57 charges against him. When the matter came before the court yesterday, his lawyer,…

Murder hearing adjourned

THE case of two men accused of the murder of a man at west Honiara in June this year has been further adjourned to Wednesday next week. Wednesday’s hearing was for the defence counsel to confirm to the court the type of preliminary inquiry to be conducted on this case. The presiding magistrate in this…

Man convicted of manslaughter

CHIEF Justice Sir Albert Palmer on Wednesday convicted a man of manslaughter instead of murder, for which he was tried. This is due to the accused having a state of “unsound mind”. Sir Albert made this orders yesterday after prosecution and the defence counsels presented their closing submissions. Ngadabeu Maenari’i was therefore acquitted of the…

Support for Hydro project intact

A representative of the Managikiki Community in Bahomea, Central Guadalcanal, says latest activities of the Tina River Hydro project within their communities are very encouraging. Chief Whitlam Kikolo, former chairman of the Bahomea House of Chiefs and strong supporter of the Tina Hydro Project, said road surveys being undertaken now show the project is indeed…

Star journalist to East West Center

Solomon Star Chief of Staff Ednal Palmer is among five Solomon Islanders selected for the 2015 Pacific Islands Leadership internship in East West Center in Hawaii and Taiwan. The others are Jimmy Panasa Executive Personal Secretary (EPS) of the Ministry of Planning, Henry Kiniki Project Coordinator of Arnavon Community Marine Conservation, Bradley Lenga Director Internal…

PM urged to sack minister, SSPM

THE Parliamentary Opposition Group is calling on the Prime Minister to sack his Forestry Minister Bodo Dettke and Special Secretary to Prime Minister (SSPM) Rence Sore. In a statement, the Parliamentary Opposition said the Prime Minister should remove his Forestry Minister as serious allegations levelled against him relating to his involvement, influence and interest in…

Maelanga on PM’s trip to Malaita day

Leader of the Parliamentary Independent Group has described the proposed trip by Prime Minister (PM) to Malaita, Friday for the province’s second appointed day celebration, Friday as a visit with empty promises. Expressing his disappointment yesterday Manasseh Maelanga MP for East Kwara’ae described Sogavare’s trip as; “an empty visit full of false promises.” Mr Maelanga…

Malaita provincial assembly supports Govt’s decision on staged limited re-amament of RSIPF

THE Malaita Provincial Executive and members of the Malaita Provincial Assembly have expressed support for the decision by the national government for a staged limited rearmament of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force.      This followed a presentation on the project by representatives of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Service; the Royal Solomon…

Save the Children stages youth forum

A YOUTH Forum for Guadalcanal and Honiara youths was organized, Wednesday at the Saint Barnabas Cathedral premises to give young people an opportunity to raise their voice and concerns in the development of the country. It was an initiative by the popular non-government organisation (NGO) – Save the Children Australia through its Youth Outreach Partnership…

SINU academic staff undergo professional development

Academic staff at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) are currently participating in a professional development programme to improve their teaching and assessment practices. The university’s Vice-Chancellor, Dr Glynn Galo, has formed a partnership with Volunteer Service Abroad in New Zealand who have contracted Dr Elly Govers to develop and facilitate the professional development programme.…