KGA go down to communities

KASTOM Gaden Association (KGA) has recently sent out its officers to the provinces as part of visiting farmers, conduct trainings and providing planting materials. The visiting program is parts of KGA’s role to strengthen its link between local farmers in the country to promote food security through methods of organic farming for local farmers in…

Role of SOEs highlighted

STATE-OWNED Enterprises (SOEs) play a critical role in our economy, Permanent Secretary for Finance and Treasury, Fred Fakarii, says. He was speaking while opening the SOE forum held in Honiara, Wednesday. Mr Fakarii outlined the Government’s expectations of SOEs and emphasized the important role they play in the economy.  “SOEs play a critical role in…

SOE here improves

SOLOMON Islands State Owned Enterprises (SOE) portfolio has undergone a dramatic turnaround since 2008. This was revealed by an Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Wednesday during the SOE forum. The reports revealed that Solomon Islands is now the most profitable portfolio in the pacific, and in the benchmark sample. “Average of amount of net income…

Villagers told to respect water project

People living in and around the Tawaiabu community in West Makira were told to take huge responsibility of the newly funded water supply project in their area. Speaking during the handing over ceremony on Monday, a representative from the Japanese Embassy in Solomon Islands emphasizes that the villagers must be responsible for taking care of…

Nation leads the region in SOE reform

SOLOMON Islands leads the region in the reform of its state-owned enterprises (SOEs), a forum heard yesterday. Asian Development Bank (ADB) revealed this during a State Owned Enterprises (SOE) forum held in Honiara.  “The finding balance 2014: Benchmarking the performance of State Owned Enterprises in Islands countries ,shows that in the last five years the…

Kola, Hunikera face court

TWO former senior police officers face the Honiara Magistrates’ Court, Tuesday, on traffic related offences. Former deputy police commissioner Walter Kola is facing one count of careless & inconsiderate driving and one count of failing to stop and report. These were in relation to the allegation on 11 April 2014, at Point Cruz when he…