Court stories

Former casino clerk case back on Nov 17 THE matter of a former clerk of the Coral Sea Casino who allegedly stole casino gaming chips worth $14,000 will return to the Honiara Magistrate Court on November 17. The adjournment was made for the accused Maddlyn Hamara, who is facing two counts of Larceny by Clerk,…

Minister Tanangada attends 42nd UNESCO General Conference

THE Minister for Education & Human Resource Development Lanelle Tanangada is amongst Ministers of Education and Senior Ministry of Education and Training officials from the Pacific Islands region attending the 42nd session of the United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) General Conference which commenced yesterday. The 42nd session of the UNESCO General Conference…

Australia delivers ON security commitments ahead of the games

The Australian Defence Force has handed over a suite of new equipment, including training, maintenance and sustainment, worth more than SBD 70 million, to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) to enhance their security capabilities ahead of the Pacific Games. The handovers and associated capability demonstrations were attended by the Prime Minister the Honourable…

Gizo CHS successfully ends academic year

IT’S the time of the year when all the good academic performance of students in schools nationwide are recognised. Gizo Community High School (CHS) in the Western Provincial is no exception. The school successfully organised its speech and prize-giving ceremony last Thursday. The ceremony saw parents, guardians, friends and supporters come out in numbers to…

MRD welcomes JAAS delegation from China

Government through the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has welcomed a delegation of senior executives from the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (JAAS) of China in Honiara today (1/11/2023) to discuss potential future cooperation between JAAS and the Solomon Islands institutes. The JAAS president Professor Yi Zhongyi and delegation were greeted on arrival at the…

Wale condemns PM’s belittling remarks on reasons to extend Parliament

THE Leader of Opposition Hon. Matthew Wale has criticized the Prime Minister’s recent remarks that belittled Solomon Islanders’ ability to make policy-based voting decisions. The contentious remarks came to light during a tokstori event at USP, where a student asked about the Government’s rationale behind extending the life of Parliament. Defending his government’s decision not…