Water shortage hits parts of Gizo 

PARTS of the Western Provincial capital of Gizo is facing acute water shortage and is worsening by the week. This is due to the ongoing dry weather condition currently affecting the island for over two weeks. A concerned Gizo resident, Titus Billy told the Solomon Star yesterday that for over two weeks very little rain…

Students’ anger forces school closure

RESENTMENTS by students against internal discipline for absenteeism forced the closure of Panatina Community High School for two days this week, Principal Sam Tereinao confirmed on Tuesday. Trouble flared up at the school in east Honiara shortly after Monday’s school assembly.  One female teacher was slightly injured when she was hit by a rock as angry…

Djokovic charged with Electoral offences

THE Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet has been formally charged for breaches of the Electoral Act 2018 and the Political Party Integrity Act. The National Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) have formally charged Robson Djokovic on 13 May 2021, a statement…

Funeral of second bomb victim today

THE funeral service of the second UXO explosion in Honiara a fortnight ago will be held today, at the Kukum SDA Church. The funeral service will commence at 10 am and the process will be live-streamed on the Hope Channel’s page on Facebook for distant viewers, mostly friends and family members. Late Charles Kaukui Noda…

In court with Assumpta

Man facing numerous incest charges to plea, May 31 Warrant of arrest issued for Nehemiah Bail app for man facing several arson charges today Juvenile facing house breaking charge released on bail Man facing numerous incest charges to plea, May 31 A MAN facing a number of incest charges dating back to 2014 when his…


‘Sore Report’ has no legal basis to dissolve council, says author THE author of the report, which raised serious allegations of financial rorts within the Honiara City Council, says his report “has no legal basis to dissolve the Council.” Former Clerk, Rence Sore, wrote the report titled, Political Interference in the Management of Honiara City…

Two new cases on-board PNG vessel

PRIME Minister (PM) Manasseh Sogavare has announced two new additional COVID-19 positive cases under the category of ‘Conveyance or Ships’.  PM in his nationwide address on Monday said the two new cases were from a PNG registered Landing Craft, MV Kopi Chief that arrived from Lae recently, chartered by a private company in Honiara. Prime Minister Sogavare…

101 bombs discovered

OVER 100 US 105mm High Explosive bombs that remain after the Second World War have been discovered and removed at Gilbert Camp, East Honiara. The unexploded ordnance (UXOs) were unearthed after two days operation. The discovered UXOs are similar to the one that claimed the lives of two young Solomon Islanders during a deadly bomb…