Dala hosts farmers’ field day

DALA South Community, West Kwara’ae, Malaita province will today host a farmers’ field day. The field day would involve all the farmers within the central region of Malaita based on the theme: ‘Think Lokol Kakai for Helti Living.’ Speaking to the Solomon Star yesterday principal agriculture field officer in Auki Ledley Diudi said the purpose…

Tourism development impresses govt

GOVERNMENT through the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MTC) is impressed with some of the tourism developments currently taking place in Honiara. Director of tourism within the tourism ministry Barney Sivoro highlighted this during the tourism stakeholders’ meeting held at Mendana hotel, Tuesday. Mr Sivoro said the ministry is impressed to see some tourism development…

Hou clarifies 2014 budget review

CARETAKER Minister of Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Rick Hou, yesterday clarified the publication of the 2014 Mid- Year Budget Review. A statement from the government communication unit stated that Mr Hou made the clarification in response to “apparent misleading interpretations, speculations and conclusions framed in the media by certain individuals”.   The caretaker minister clarified…

It’s November 19

WEDNESDAY November 19th is the date Solomon Islands will go to the polls for its historical national general elections it was reported. A very reliable source confirmed to this paper it is most likely the Governor General Sir Frank Kabui will make the announcement on the 7th of October or a day after. According to…

Case moved under pressure

Police prosecutor transfers file due to ‘political pressure’ A POLICE prosecutor on Monday told the court he is transferring a case to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions due to ‘political pressure’. Member for South Choiseul Elijah Doromuala made the complaint against constituents John Niqe, Eddie Kodo, Max Qoloni and Jack Zukovai. This…

Facelift for Auki police

AUKI police will soon enjoy working in a new and comfortable environment after construction work on their newly built headquarters is complete. The new building complex is located few meters away from the current station at Auki town. Speaking to the Solomon Star Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Alfred Uiga said that the new complex is…

Police crime updates

The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force at Honiara city, have responded and attended to 32 reports from communities around Honiara and apprehended 28 suspects, who were also charged and placed in side police custody over the weekend. The suspects were arrested with multiple charges of offences committed on separate dates and places at Honiara. These…