Early closure for city schools

ALL Honiara-based schools are now on an early vacation. This came after a survey was conducted over the past days which warrants the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education Human Resource and Development (MEHD) Dr. Franco Rodie using his powers to called off the 2021 academic for all educational institutions in Honiara. The early…

Tauohu’s sentence, Dec 8 

SENTENCE for One Link Pacifica’s manual stream manager Gerrad Tauohu accused of stealing almost $400,000 of the scheme’s customer has been adjourned to Wednesday next week. This is one of the many criminal cases yesterday that was administratively adjourned to next week. Tauohu was convicted in November after a trial of five count of simple…

Augustine Auga.

Constituents want Auga out

In the light of what transpired in Honiara last week, the people of West Mbaelelea in Malaita Province have called on their Member of Parliament (MP) Augustine Auga to resign from the DCGA government. The call came after chiefs, church leaders, community leaders, women leaders, and youth leaders held a meeting at the Arao Centre…

Gina voted out, new premier soon

WESTERN Provincial Assembly Member for Ward 15 in Munda, David Gina was voted out of the premiership position through a Motion of No Confidence in a Provincial Assembly meeting held on Monday. About 18 Members of the Western Provincial Assembly convened the Provincial Assembly Meeting, which was gazetted by the Ministry of Provincial Government and…


TEMOTU Provincial Premier and former Temotu VATUD parliamentarian, Clay Forau has called on the National Government to pass and implement the state government system. In a statement on Tuesday, Mr Forau said the desire for more autonomy has transpired to be the obvious among the many reasons as to why the bigger provinces in Solomon…


Urges Wale to rethink the motion Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare says losing one of his homes during last week’s unrest and being displaced will not deter him from stepping down. At the same he told Opposition Leader Matthew Wale – the mover of the proposed motion of no confidence that his government is ready to…


As church followers disciplined for participating in rioting and looting    OPPOSITION Leader Matthew Wale has filed a no-confidence motion in Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Clerk to Parliament David Kusulifu, confirmed Monday. Mr. Kusulifu said the motion was put on notice on Sunday. It will be debated on 6th December as December 5th which meets…