DPM in Apia for SIDS

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West celebrates youth day

More than 700 youths representing Gizo and Vella La Vella in the Western province converged into Gizo on  last Thursday to commemorate the world youth day in style. The day which was commemorated based on the theme “Youth and Mental Health” was staged at Gizo netball court stadium. The day was commemorated globally on August…

Locals in Townsville showcase culture

The Townsville Solomon Islands Association (TSIA) recently had the opportunity to take part in the Townsville cultural festival. The festival is a yearly event in Townsville which showcased food, music, information and products from all over the world. Townsville is a very multicultural town in north Queensland, Australia. There is always a great turn out…

Election heat is now here

High ranking gov’t officials resign to contest polls UP to 10 high ranking public servants will resign to contest this year’s national elections. They include Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service Ishmael Avui, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health Dr Lester Ross, and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Planning and…

Avui, a fine public servant

Ishmael Avui is one of few fine examples of any well-disciplined public servants. This is how chairman of Public Service Commission Elliam Tangirongo described the outgoing permanent secretary, Friday. Avui, who has been Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service in the last eight years, resigned to contest the North-East Guadalcanal seat. Tangirongo said…

Sofu commends outgoing PS

Outgoing Permanent Secretary Ishmael Avui has been commended for his outstanding 26 years of service with the government. Avui was farewelled Friday, as he leaves to contest the North-East Guadalcanal seat in the upcoming election. “Ishmael Avui is a career civil servant and I am so privileged to have him as my permanent secretary since…

SOEs here doing well

State-owned enterprises (SOE) in Solomon Islands are now making profits as a result of reforms spearheaded by international financial institutions. This was revealed in a new report released by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) last week. The report stated engaging the private sector through public-private partnerships and privatisation improves the performance and service delivery of…

Two die from measles

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) has confirmed that two children died in Honiara last week due to measles related complications. “Over 550 cases of measles have been reported to the MHMS National Surveillance Unit since the outbreak began in July 2014, and it is likely there are thousands more cases that have…

How to reduce poverty according to UN

A newly launched UN report has recommended that Pacific island countries must take serious considerations to the nine key recommendations in order to cut poverty and inequality in the region. The report titled, “The State of Human Development in the Pacific: A report on Vulnerability and Exclusion in a time of rapid change,” was launched…