PAP to hold convention

The People’s Alliance Party (PAP) will hold its national convention in Honiara in June. The Party said in a media statement yesterday the venue, the date and the agenda are still to be decided upon. But it said, the convention will be held to comply with its Constitution and the Political Parties Integrity legislation. The PAP media…

Concern over poor road condition

DRIVERS, vehicle owners and commuters at large have expressed concern over the poor road condition in the city following days of rainfall in the country. Over the past days most drivers have raised their disappointment over the poor work being done by contractors along the highways and feeders roads within the city. Many have described…

Students learn about marine environment

TWO primary schools in Marovo Lagoon, Western province last week were engaged in an excursion to learn about the marine environment. Solomon Island Community Conservation Partnership (SICCP) organised the excursion for primary school students at Hinakole Adventist primary and Chibikopi United both located in central Marovo. Hinakole students underwent their excursion on Tuesday while Chubikopi…

Heavy rain disrupts market supply

Continuous heavy rain in the last few days has affected normal supply of local food to Honiara market outlets. This was seen since mid last week when heavy down pour hit the capital and Guadalcanal, following the announcement of typhoon dolphin headed towards Guam. Local market outlets at White River in the western side of…

Kara cocoa farmers acknowledge govt’s support

COCOA farmers at Kara village in South Rannogah, Western Province have thanked government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) for its funding support towards the provision of tools to help revive cocoa industry on the island. About 12 cocoa farmers received basic cocoa tools from MAL’s extension division early this year. These tools…

Ete in Japan for PALM 7 Summit

Deputy Prime Minister Douglas Ete left the country yesterday to attend the Seventh Pacific Islands Leaders’ Summit (PALM7 Summit) in Japan. The high level meeting will be held from May 22nd to May 23rd in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. The Deputy Prime Minister is accompanied by the Deputy Secretary to Ministry of Foreign Affairs and…

Elderly accused sets to stage defence

AN elderly man standing trial for rape in the High Court will be calling a witness to testify in his defence today. This was after he gave evidence before Justice Francis Mwanesalua on Tuesday. Prosecution has completed its case after calling two witnesses in the trial that started on Monday. After his evidence is completed,…