Malaita launches 2019 communique

Malaita province has launched its 2019 communique on Thursday after the full assembly meeting this week in Auki.  Malaita Provincial Premier Daniel Suidani launched the communique in front of a gathering crowd in front of the provincial assembly.  The communique captured the current aspirations of Malaita Province and the wish of the people of Malaita.  “The communique has…

Premiers pledges support for Sino-SI ties

Nine provincial premiers have pledged their support towards the newly established Sino-SI diplomatic relationship which is expected to bring about robust development to the rural areas. In a briefing with Prime Minister’s officials this week the premiers welcomed the historical engagement with China and as the agents of the national government, they will ensure their…

Wale hits out at PM over China Christianity

OPPOSITION leader Matthew Wale has called on Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare and his cohorts to “stop misleading the public on the status of Christianity in China”.  Sogavare on arrival Tuesday declared that Christians in China are free to express their beliefs and get together without fear or intimidation. But the Opposition leader questioned if the…

Twelve CSSI officers promoted

  Twelve (12) correctional officers received their promotions from their Correctional Commissioner Gabriel Manelusi on Wednesday during the correctional commissioner’s weekly parade at Rove Correctional headquarters in Honiara. A statement from the Correctional Office said Commissioner Manelusi of the Correctional Service Solomon Islands (CSSI) has formally announced the promotions of officers from rank of senior…

PM: projects line up for China funding

  CHINA is ready to fund projects across the country under its Belt and Road Initiative Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavared signed on to during his visit to the communist nation. That’s according to Sogavare on his arrival in Honiara, Tuesday. The prime minister said the three different funding arrangements that Solomon Islands has to choose…

MAL promotes world food day

HUNGER is a new wave of crisis around the world and in the Solomon Islands which leads to malnutrition. That’s according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) Permanent Secretary Ethel France speech to mark the World Food Day in Honiara. She added that with malnutrition it now contributes to what we now know…