Students renew allowances call

SOLOMON Islands students studying in Papua New Guinea’s institutions have renewed their calls for the national government to immediately release their last tranche of allowances for the second semester. It was revealed most of the students received the first tranche since mid of last month but since then nothing has come through. Those studying at…

Students join ‘brush up’ day

EARLY Childhood Education (ECE) and primary students of Burns Creek Adventist school, in East Honiara, on Tuesday joined the tooth brushing day celebration. The day was initiated by the dental department within the Ministry of Health and Medical Service (MHMS) in partnership with Colgate Palmolive Limited of Fiji. The event was marked in Honiara on…

Gov’t blamed for Gold Ridge trouble

FORUM SOLOMON Islands International (FSII) says it would have been a different story if Prime Minister Lilo and his government took a professional approach to deal with St. Barbara’s forced majeure situation. “The April flash floods which forced St. Barbara to abandon the Gold Ridge mine project created personal interests and conflict of interests amongst…

Parliament expects more bills

MORE bills are expected to be tabled in this current last meeting before the ninth Parliament dissolve on 8th September 2014. This was revealed by the Speaker of Parliament Sir Allan Kemakeza in his opening speech when Parliament resumed on Wednesday. Sir Allan said he knew the Government intended to bring more Bills thus he…

A brief, but historic visit

THE country hopes to gain from the United States Secretary of State John Kerry’s historic visit yesterday. Mr Kerry was the first ever US secretary of State to visit the country since independence. Arriving on a private jet at the historical Henderson Airfield now called the Honiara International Airport, he was welcomed by Foreign Affairs…

Final parliament session starts

THE seventh and final meeting of the ninth Parliament begun yesterdayand was adjourned to Monday the 18th of August 2014. Speaker of the National Parliament Sir Allan Kemakeza welcomed all Members of Parliament in his opening address and informed them of the number of developments that took place since Parliament was adjourned Sine Die on…

PM Lilo meets US Secretary of State

PRIME Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo today held a brief meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry. The US Secretary arrived in the country today afternoon and paid a courtesy call on the Governor General and later met with Prime Minister Lilo. During the meeting, both leaders acknowledged historical ties between the Solomon Islands and…

Renbel premier wants Assembly suspended

EMBATTLED Renbel premier Lence Tangosia says he has requested the Ministry of Provincial Government to suspend the Renbel Provincial Assembly. He made the request after four of his ministers who resigned recently refused to rejoin his government. Mr Tangosia said he wanted Minister Silas Tausinga to use his powers to suspend the assembly because of…