AN officer working under the Economic Stimulus Package (ESP) has been disciplined for discrepancies in the implementation of the funds. This was revealed by the Chairman of the ESP Committee McKinnie Dentana on Sunday during the fortnightly talk-back show. He said, the officer was reassigned to another department after his was caught. He reminded the public…

NZ envoy pays PM a visit

New Zealand High Commissioner to Solomon Islands, Her Excellency Georgina Roberts on Monday paid a courtesy visit to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare. The meeting was held at the Office of the Prime Minister & Cabinet (OPMC), a statement issued by the Prime Minister Press Secretariat said. High Commissioner Roberts during the meeting commended PM for his…

Dala Bridge in worst state

Villagers help out to fix Dala Bridge in west Kwara’ae, Malaita province. THE current deteriorating state of the Dala Bridge in west Kwara’ae has denied vehicles and passengers from east and northern regions of Malaita from reaching Auki town. It was reported that the bridge was damaged as a result of the continuous heavy rain…


Sponsorship pulled from SINU 2020 final year students   SOME 200 or more students at the Solomon Islands National University (SINU) have had their sponsorships pulled from under their feet on allegations their two-year sponsorships granted by the National Scholarship Division (NSD) in 2019 were “fake”.  They are now faced with arrears of up to…

Concern over Gizo white-Eye bird 

ENVIRONMENTAL advocator and outspoken Malaita man from Ontong Java Lawrence Makili has raised concerns about the need to preserve Gizo white- Eye bird scientifically known as the Zosterops Iuteirostris only found on Gizo islands in Western province.  Gizo white-eye (zosterops Iuteirostris) is a species of birds in the Zosteropidae family  Mr. Makili said Gizo Island…

Rhinoceros beetle feeds on Noni

THERE’S grave concern that the deadly Rhinoceros beetle has been seen lately infesting on noni plants. That’s according to the North-West Guadalcanal Development Association (NWGDA) Chairman. Simon Chottu stated that lately, they have seen rhinoceros beetle feeding on noni plants. In a statement, he said the farmers are calling on the Ministry of Agriculture and…